Katialena Sourvinou

Katialena Sourvinou



Katilena Sourvinou studied Psychology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and continued her postgraduate studies in Organizational and Economic Psychology at the Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences.

For more than ten years, she has worked for psychological support for people with severe mental disorders and their families, both in inpatient and outpatient settings. Specifically, in the context of cooperation with the Society of Social Psychiatry “P. Sakellaropoulos”, she gained experience in the provision of integrated mental health services in psychosocial rehabilitation units, in prevention and community awareness of mental health issues, while at the same time, through positions of responsibility, she focused on the organization and coordination of the units and staff. Since 2018 she has been working psychotherapeutically, at the Day Centre for Psychological Support for Patients with Cancer, their caregivers and health care staff through training and supervision.

She continues her training in the Specialization Program in Clinical Psychosocial Oncology of the Hellenic Cancer Society’s Psychosocial Oncology Program. She has attended the annual Clinical Psychopathology training of the Aeginiteion Hospital. She has been trained in the administration, scoring and interpretation of the Projective Plans and the TAT Test, the Rorschach Projective Test (EPSYPE) , the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire MMPI 2 (ISON Psychometrica). She is a certified Vocational Guidance and Career Counselor (ISON Psychometrica).
