Γράψου στο newsletter του ΒΗΜΑ ΚΟΙΝΟ για να ενημερώνεσαι για τις δράσεις του κέντρου μας και όλες τις τελευταίες εξελίξεις
The “Vima Koino (common step)” Center for Integrated Mental Health Services began operating in October 2018. However, its founding dates back much earlier, in the thoughts and imagination of its creators. Clinical experience within the public community mental health system was often difficult and frustrating. However, there were also many moments of inspiration when the result of collaboration was evident in the satisfaction of people who found answers to their difficulties. These moments, in combination with the dominance of the individual practice of the profession in the private sector, led to thoughts such as: “Wouldn’t it be great if the therapeutic practices of community psychiatry could also be applied in the private sector?” and to questions such as “How much more could be done with greater freedom?”. As our clinical experience within the public system evolved, these initial thoughts began to take the form of an idea for a center based on the institution of the multidisciplinary therapeutic team, with the possibility of a broader understanding and intervention. A center where each member of the team, beyond their clinical contribution, would participate in the enrichment and development of the center. This idea became a reality in October 2018, when the Center began operating, and all its participants have created, with a “Common Step”, a living organism with the necessary training and sensitivity to respond to the needs of the people who come to it.
The main pillars of our philosophy are a holistic approach through collaboration/coordination of psychiatric and psychological care, individualization through a variety of psychotherapeutic methods, and consistency with the ethical principles of the mental health code of ethics. Building on these pillars, combined with a welcoming environment and respect for those in treatment, we support the community taking together a “common step (VimaKoino)”.
Transfer of basic psychiatric care from hospitals to the community
Our focus is on the person, not the condition
Respecting the rights of the sufferer and promoting their equal participation in planning their care
Once service requests are received by specially trained staff at the reception, a first appointment is scheduled with a member of our multidisciplinary team. The request is further assessed to suggest an appropriate therapeutic approach that suits an individual’s needs at that specific point in time.
Working with patients on their care framework and plan
Holistic approach with continuous coordination and cooperation of psychiatric and psychological care
Flexibility in the individualised mental health services provided for the majority of the population
Consistency with the ethical principles of the Code of Ethics for Psychologists
Cooperation with local health and social services
Our proposal is based and founded upon the values and principles of our therapeutic team.
An individual’s mental health is important as it affects their quality of life. Mental health has effects on people’s ability to form relationships, feel satisfaction, find joy in their life and profession, cope with difficulties, and live a full and meaningful life.
Mental health is not to be taken for granted. Throughout life difficulties may arise that affect people’s mental health in some way. Prevention of problems and timely intervention are important so as to preserve it.
The therapy of mental illness is not restricted to dealing with symptoms but includes a restoration of meaning in all of life’s facets.
A necessary precondition is the active involvement of the individual seeking help.
The value of the multidisciplinary team: All services are offered in the same space from a group of experts that draw on scientific expertise in order to ensure the continuity and cohesiveness of care.
The connection to the community is important. Collaboration between a mental health service provider and the community is necessary to sense the needs of the community. Targeted actions ensure fulfilment of its role and a positive impact on mental health.
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We are a multidisciplinary team of psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists who have created a model mental health centre that offers a number of services. Our goal is to meet service users’ mental health needs following a holistic approach based on the principles of Case Management.
Γράψου στο newsletter του ΒΗΜΑ ΚΟΙΝΟ για να ενημερώνεσαι για τις δράσεις του κέντρου μας και όλες τις τελευταίες εξελίξεις